Friday, July 19, 2024

Democratise social and cultural values in the greater interest of individuals


Myth of great Indian Wedding

Vidya Bhushan Rawat


Indians simply love fat weddings. We recently saw the wedding of ‘meritorious’ son of an extraordinarily powerful Business family, which is being ‘claimed’ as marriage of the century where celebrities of spineless tinsel world as well as hypocrite political class from India and big corporate network from different part of the world joined hand and celebrated. Ofcourse, a big number of saffron robe Mahatmas and Babas were seen cherishing the moment at the truly ‘sanatan’ wedding making every ‘Hindu’ proud of the great achievement. For the last six months, we being provided ‘clips’ of the fat Indian wedding now being projected as an ideal wedding with lectures by the tycoon and his better half. The nation is being ‘obliged’ with these ‘personal’ clips of celebrities and star ‘behaving’ as ‘common’ person. Everybody is not speaking about bride and groom but the ultimate mom, her sarees, accessories and great talks of ‘wisdom’ about our ‘great’ ‘culture’ including ‘kanyadan’.  The babas and sadhus who give great gyan on how and what should an ideal ‘Hindu’ woman should wear, were silently enjoying the warmth filled with aroma of artificiality. Many people have criticized for such lavish expenditure done on the marriage while others found it as ‘grapes’ turning sour for those who are criticizing it. Many of those who went to attend the wedding said that people should not bother about the extraordinary expenses incurred as ultimately it helped creating ‘work’ and business hence thousands of people must have benefitted from it.

While such kind of exhibition of power connection by industrialists, journalists, public personalities always happened in the past and Page 4 came into prominence due to such gossips which the Indian middle classes aspire and hence more eager to watch and listen to such things in both shock and awe. In the 1980s, a fat Indian wedding in Gwalior was the talk of the town. Yes, Madhavrao Scindia’s daughter’s wedding got huge criticism in the media for lavishness. Media criticized it but it may not be possible for the Manustream media to even question anything on the same. The Brahmanical elite want to find ways and means to justify its actions but one fact is these marriages are place for networking as well as showing your strength. In the Bombay’s tinsel world, it was Raj Kapoor who started his envious parties particularly that on Holi and hence got named as greatest Showman of Indian Cinema. Industrialists, most of the time, rarely displayed their wealth but in the 1990s, Subrato Roy of Sahara India changed that and his Sahara City in Lucknow became a centre of activity for all power elite of the country. Cinema stars, cricketers, politicians, literary figures etc, all used to be at Sahara city in Lucknow for specific events. Mulayam Singh Yadav, Chandrashekhar, Amitabh Bachchan, Anil Ambani, Sachin Tendulkar, Jayaprada and Amar Singh were the lead stars of Sahara events but that is past now.

Reliance started by Dhiru Bhai Ambani used the power connection to rise high. Connections with Gandhis was used well but that became the bone of contention between Rajiv Gandhi and his finance Minister Vishwnath Pratap Singh. Indian Express and Nusli Wadia played a big role in aggravating it further as Editor Arun Shourie then launched an extremely personal campaign against Reliance. That was the time when Income Tax notices had been served to various industrialists and they complained against the finance minister and soon VP was shunted out of the Finance Ministry rather unceremoniously and made Defence Minister. Anyway, that showed the power of corporate in India who could get an honest and effective finance minister, out of ministry as he was seeking accountability from them and acting against the wrong. Corporate succeeded in drawing room maneuvers but VP won the war of perception in the masses as the lone fighter against corruption and the result was Congress’s down fall politically.


UPA governments under Dr Man Mohan Singh was the best period for corporate houses to strengthen them and it was said that Pranab Mukherjee was the biggest friend of Ambanis.

So, the corporate politician’s relationship is well known. The Gandhi family decided not to attend the wedding was an important political decision since Rahul Gandhi had been speaking about the corruption of the corporate in his political rallies so it was good for him to keep away from it. Actually, given the powerful media adversary, this decision was good otherwise this media would have trashed his entire future campaigns. It is another matter that all the near dear ones of Gandhis were there in the wedding but yes this is pure politics. Right from Mamta to Lalu family, Akhilesh Family, all were present. The exceptions were left parties, M K Stalin and BSP chief Miss Mayawati but we don’t know whether they were invited or not. The sad part is that it is a poor reflection of our political class and democracy itself and how most of the colonial democracies are now controlled by the corrupt corporate. The slogans of ‘’social justice’ and ‘secularism’ look empty and rhetorical when you hear these champions speaking again.

Earthy wisdom of Jitan Ram Manjhi

One does not know why the Indian’s are so obsessed with these fatty weddings but the reality is today these obscene weddings are made to look glorious in the artificial surroundings of glamour. We are told that marriage is a personal affair and everyone has a right to do what they wish to but was this a personal affair when state apparatus was being used and roads were closed and airports converted into private domain to ensure the guests reach the venue without any hassle. That apart, not only are the social media pages but the corporate media too made every effort to push them into our minds with an attempt to legitimize everything. Even when the marriage is over, we are still being provided the clips of ‘’words of wisdom’ by the Ambanis and the casteist middle class is simply over joyed claiming ‘it is his money and he can do anything. The jaati elite want us to believe that we should mind our business and focus on our work but then it is not that simple. Why are these gossip clips being released or planted every day. Do we rejoice that India has got a new Badshah and begum.  The Babas are overwhelmed about this ‘love for Indian values’’ by one of the most powerful men in India. I really loved what Jitan Ram Manjhi, the Union Minister said when someone asked him whether he would attend the marriage or not. He said, ‘We are from rural background. It is complete waste of money. The women present there were wearing revealing dresses which for him looked obscene hence in such a situation, how could one take his wife, daughter and daughter-in-law there? Hence, we did not go there. He further said: “As we would not be able to settle in that richness and grandeur, that is why we did not go there. That wedding is only and only a display of money. That was not a wedding but a display of money.”

One may or may not agree with Jitan Ram Manjhi but most of the religious gurus and Babas who give enormous preaching to women and girls about how to wear and what as per Bhartiya Sanskriti kept quiet on the entire episode. Perhaps, they are happy that the son of one of the richest persons in the world did not marry a Gori or Christian woman and that is enough for Bhartiya Sanskriti. The fact that all the right-wing echo system is celebrating because it gives justification to divinely ordained Brahmanical value system where marriage is not between two ‘individuals’ but two ‘families’ as Nita Ambani said so ‘graciously’. None ask the question whether these two families should be from the same ‘caste’ or not. We are then given the ‘gyan’ or wisdom of greatness of ‘Kanyadan’ and how ‘daughters’ are ‘blessings and that marriage is not a promise for one life but seven lives. Everybody enjoy such ‘spiritual’ talks of ‘saat janmo kaa bandhan’ i.e. ‘seven lives bond’ and we had so many songs, films celebrating this ‘seven lives promise’. Indians after all don’t live in their present. They either rejoice of the golden past or think of a diamond future. For a majority of Indians, the present has become ‘uncertain’ because of such big talks which delivers little on the ground.  Most of the time, the girl’s parents in India complain having fulfilled all the requirement of the boy and yet things went bad because boy’s parents were greedy. Basically, people try everything to put their ‘best foot forward by succumbing to dowery demands and yet things go hopelessly wrong. Dowry is a big issue and such lavish weddings only promote that. Dowry deaths and domestic violence against women continue unabated in India and a majority of them under pressure of protecting ‘’culture and society’ don’t even dare to file cases in the police. ‘According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), 2019-2021, [i]29.3 per cent of married Indian women between the ages of 18 and 49 have experienced domestic/sexual violence; 3.1 per cent of pregnant women aged 18 to 49 have suffered physical violence during their pregnancy. It further says that 87 per cent of married women who are victims of marital violence do not seek help’.

Another serious matter is the crisis of our marriage system and concept attached to it. While such ‘concept’ look beautiful when everything is great but turn horrific when a crisis emerge in the marriage as it virtually close all the doors particularly for women once the marriage is either broken or the spouse is no more. India is considered to be one of those countries where widowhood is actually a curse as she suffers in silence. The seven lives wonderful bond theory is actually close all option of a remarriage for her. ‘Widowhood is defined as the status of an individual who was legally married to someone who subsequently died. As per the 2011 census, there are 5.6 crore widowed persons in India. Women outnumber men accounting for nearly 78% of total widowed population. Between 2001 and 2011, 89.71 lakh widowed persons were added’[ii]. It is over 13 years I can vouch this number is much bigger now as we are in 2024.

The crisis is that a young woman married recently can’t think of remarriage according to social taboos. We have just heard the story of an army officer who got sacrificed at the Jammu Kashmir border and was awarded Kirti Chakra by the President of India for his valiant efforts to protect the country. Every one saw the sober looking young widow with her mother-in-law at the Rashtrapati Bhavan during the award ceremony. After a few days, we got an interview by the parents of the officer that their daughter in law has left to her parents’ house and that they did not get anything in terms of financial compensation as their daughter in law got everything. These things are happening and particularly making parents very vulnerable where the parents are depended on their sons but it is unfortunate that even where the parents are financially independent, the cultural taboos force them to behave like that. The problem in such cases is the feeling of ‘autonomy’ of a woman to decide about herself and it has pure relation with finance and property. Due to pressure, many of the parents can boast that they are not against remarriage of their daughter in law if she is ready to marry some one else in the family particularly younger brother. The whole idea behind such thing is about the money and property to remain with in the family. Many time, parents of the boy or girl are worried about her children ( if she has) being maltreated if she marries someone else outside the family. These are serious questions and frankly speaking indicative of a cultural crisis that we are greatly trapped in and which need to be corrected and not defended in the name of ‘holy tradition’.

Inspiring Life of Jacqueline Kennedy

Before, I conclude, it is important to read the inspiring story of Jacqueline B Kennedy, wife of one of the most popular American President John F Kennedy who assumed office on January 20th, 1961. Jacqueline was 31 then and had two children. On November 22,1963 President Kennedy was shot at Dallas, Texas when he was riding a Presidential motorcade. The bullet pierce his head and it fell down at the lap of Jacqueline who was brave enough to carry her husband to a hospital where he died. Americans saw it on their TV channels how Jacqueline Kennedy remained calm and dignified even at the biggest personal loss of her life.  After some time, she focused on building a memorial of her late husband. In 1968, Jacqueline married a shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis and continued with her creative work. There was no hue and cry of her decision which was personal in nature and none thought of commenting on her. In 1975 her second husband passed away and Jacqueline was widow again. These wounds of life did not deter her following her much desired path of public service which she continued. She was a celebrity who devoted herself to charities and creative work including being an editor of a magazine. On May 19, 1994 she passed away and was laid to rest near her husband John F Kennedy.


The way forward


It would be better for us to understand the gravity of our social crisis which ultimately affect both men and women. Let us not hide the dirty discriminatory practices in the garb of ‘glorious’ ‘traditions. The weddings where tradition is hyped are nothing but a legitimization of inequal social order which we refuse to accept. Anyway, how many of you noticed the parents of the bride in the ‘wedding of century’. Well, you might not have but that is what our marriages are where bride’s family has to just stand with folded hand and wait for the ‘comments’ of the bridegroom. Our Barats and shadis are the best reflection of the prevailing Brahmanical patriarchy in our society.

Let us not worry about seven lives and focus on making our lives better here and for that our constitutional values should become our morality. Let us make it clear that it is only the constitutional morality that will ensure us a strong and united India where citizens have equal rights irrespective of their gender and religion. Let the women of India remember Baba Saheb Ambedkar for his historical work through the Hindu Code Bill. Remember, those glorifying and glamouring the iniquitous order are the same who opposed the Hindu Code Bill abused Jawahar Lal Nehru and Baba Saheb Ambedkar. It is time we take a few lessons from our history and move ahead.



[ii] Ray of Hope by M K Arora, an article circulated by Press Information, Bureau, June 7, 2016


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Will our ruling parties ever learnt from failure of Emergency in 1975


Nothing meaningful is achieved by opening up an issue already settled politically

Vidya Bhushan Rawat

he history in this country is woven around building narrative as well as myths around popular figures. A lot has been said and written about the imposition of Emergency on intervening night of June 25th-26th 1975 by the then Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi under article 352 of the Constitution. So, emergency was not imposed outside the constitution but very much through a constitutional provision and not by 'murdering' it. It might have been an immoral act or undemocratic but definitely not unconstitutional as it was part of the constitution. I hope some day an honest appraisal of emergency and a proper scanning of the heroes who enjoyed power post emergency after Indira Gandhi was defeated in the Parliamentary elections. Researchers and historians must find out the truth.

Political historians should  analyse  Justice Jagmohan Lal Sinha''s verdict against the prime minister Indira Gandhi ? Did he intentionally call her to Court to humiliate or embarrass her. Did it serve any purpose or created an unprecedented constitutional crisis ? We have never seen such a case again even when it is a well known fact how ruling parties often misuse bureaucracy and government machinery. Was Indira Gandhi the only leader who misused power and all others are too democratic to misuse it ? Can any court do such a thing in today's time. If a court gives a judgement against any powerful leader what will the government do ? Was this a normal decision or was there a conspiracy to derail the government and create anarchy ?

Actually, !975 crisis is a lesson for all. For political parties, for judiciary, for media as well as for the government.

What could the government do when Jai Prakash Narayan called for a total revolt against the government from the police and armed forces. Was that not an act of inciting a rebellion ? Indira Gandhi could or should have initiated a political dialogue but somewhere she failed to rise on the occasion and depended too much on a coterie that just found ways and means to legitimise her acts particularly that of her son Sanjay Gandhi.

We also need to understand the political ideology of forces opposed to Indira Gandhi ?

Who was Morarji Desai and how did he become prime minister instead of Babu Jagjivan Ram ? The whole Janata experiment failed because of overambitious leaders and their rigidities in humiliating Mrs Gandhi. If Indira had failed in politically handling the crisis, Janata leaders failed miserably and believed in tit for tat. The result was that people got fed up with their antics and brought back Indira Gandhi with a thumping mandate.
We need to go a bit earlier in the 1970s when Indira Gandhi took some extremely radical and revolutionary decisions. Land Distribution was one major factor. Implementation of reservation was another important decision. Nationalisation of Banks and insurance companies. Doing away with privy purses of the erstwhile Raja Maharajas. Now, remember, who was opposed to Nationalisation of Banks and strengthening of the public sector ? Yes, It was Moraraji Desai, who later became Prime minister. Don't we understand that the 1971 Indo Soviet Peace Treaty which actually helped India from any further Chinese aggression and ultimately helped create Bangladesh was always a bone of contention. So, most of these self proclaimed socialists had a pro American slant. World over socialism has inherent link with Marxism and left politics and prior to Lohia and Jai Prakash, there was a leader of great courage of conviction, named Acharya Narendra Dev, a scholar on Buddhism but completely forgotten and ignored by the Samajwadis today, many of them might not even heard. Why did socialism in India take a pro American turn ? Does the 1977 uprising against Indira Gandhi have any linkage with those who never wanted Indo Russia friendship ?
Do we know that despite so much noise, Janata Party won merely 295 seats and Congress under Indira Gandhi won 154 seats. There was a sharp difference between the voting pattern of North and South. Indira Gandhi lost RaiBareilly seat and Sanjay Gandhi was defeated in Amethi but Mrs Gandhi returned to Parliament after winning from Chikmanglur in Karnataka.
Now what was the reason for Indira Gandhi's defeat in 1977. I can bet it. The reason was not the detention of political prisoners but mostly the compulsory sterilisation campaign in the name of family planning and this was under instructions of Sanjay Gandhi. It was resented by people vehemently. Second issue was the highhandedness of government officials in removing 'encroachments'. Both these actions of highhandedness actually hurt and impacted negatively, Congresses core vote bank, the scheduled castes and Muslims. The results were obvious. Congress lost their support.
Interestingly, Sanjay Gandhi's anti sterilisation initiative as well as his bulldozing at Turkman Gate on May 31st, 1976 got the biggest support from RSS and Jan Sangh. Congress actually paid the price of Emergency due to Sanjay Gandhi's highhandedness against Muslims as well as other marginalised communities.
Indira Gandhi brought Secular and socialism in the Constitution and also added article 51a, our constitutional duties, an important point.
Emergency was a wrong decision politically for a leader who had become immensely popular and was slowly pushing her son Sanjay Gandhi for the leadership issue. She was too dependent on her and in haste to become Supreme leader, Sanjay actually created an intimidating environment. Rather than handling the discontent against the government politically, he felt they needed to be dealt almost like criminals. It resulted in widespread anger against the party in north India.
Remember, the Janata leaders could not build anything and the two years they focused only on humiliating Indira Gandhi. The people of India did not take it lightly. The Janata government failed due to its own contradictions. RSS became the point of difference. It resulted in snap polls in 1980 and the people of India gave Indira Gandhi and Congress party one of the biggest mandates. Congress won 353 seats and Indira Gandhi won not only from Raibareilly but also from Medak in Andhra Pradesh that time.
We must remember one thing. It is time for political parties to understand that people don't like highhandedness and they punished Congress for that but the same people did not like Janata Party leaders humiliating Indira Gandhi and defeated them.
Emergency should not have been imposed but it needs to be seen whether such an important issue could have been dealt with by the judiciary in a different way. Will some one critique Justice Jagmohan Lal Sinha and Shanti Bhushan responsible for creating a constitutional crisis. I don't know but I feel such important matters which can have far reaching consequences need to be heard by a constitution bench so that the country is saved from anarchy and chaos.
Emergency was a political failure of Indira Gandhi, was an immoral act but not unconstitutional as those powers are still with the government. If we all are so upset about that then the government must bring a constitutional amendment and remove those powers so that no powerful leader can dare to impose it on people and their political opponents. Indira Gandhi brought Foreign Contribution Regulation Act ( FCRA)during emergency to curtail political opposition and civil society and this law is still there to punish civil society organisations. Why can't these remnants of the emergency be removed ?
And lastly the most important part. The pro American lobby led by Jai Prakash blamed Indira Gandhi for trying to create a Soviet Style dictatorial structure in India while Indira Gandhi blamed them being funded by the CIA but one fact is there. India's' right wing always aspired that India has better relations with the West particularly with the United States. Indira Gandhi stood solidly on the foundation of Indo Soviet Friendship. Fifty years after the emergency, the political opponents of Indira Gandhi are actually following her foreign policy and Russia India friendship is on a rock solid foundation.
Let us not be caged in our past. Impartial understanding of history provides lessons for all so that our future generations do not face it. Politically, the issue is settled as Indira Gandhi never defended it. She was defeated by people and the same people brought her back by defeating her opponents who had come to power just two years back. Let us move forward and focus on issues concerning the nation. Indira Gandhi was one of the greatest prime minister that India ever had and denigrating her for wrong political decision which is duly settled as people defeated her party in 1977. One must remember that the same people brought her back with a massive mandate in 1980 which means the people had forgiven her for the mistake and wanted to move ahead. Therefore, no purpose is solved by deliberately raising the issue time and again. The best way is to defeat undemocratic value system inside us and ensure that such a decision is not taken by any elected leader.  

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Russia India Relationship on solid rock foundation


Vidya Bhushan Rawat

The grand welcome given to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis' in Russia has not been taken kindly in the Western capitals because of various reasons. Many in India too are commenting it in contempt without knowing the warm relationship between the two countries. Indian leaders always received a rousing reception in the Soviet Union. Jawahar Lal Nehru and Indira Gandhi are highly popular names in Russia and all the CIS countries even today. One is the timing of it when NATO allies were meeting in Washington to celebrate 75 years of its formation. The question is why should India bother about it and why is the Western world expecting too much from India. India has been a traditional ally of Russia for long and it is not a government imposed thing but people of both the countries understand it. Fact of the matter is that India's right wing was never comfortable with our ties with Russia. The Gujarat lobby particularly the business one felt that their interests are well built in maintaining relationships with the western world. Then there are liberals who are promoted by various American 'policy organizations' to promote their interests in the name of 'democracy'. Just think of a time when Indira Gandhi was taking Indo Russia friendship to a new level in 1971, she nationalised the Banks, Insurance companies, withdrew all the privy purses given to former crowns of different Riyasats and imposed Land Ceiling laws, redistributed land, strengthened Public sector undertakings and implemented reservation for scheduled castes and tribes. Who opposed all these measures ? The corporate lobby, supported by Morarji Desai, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy and others.

While western liberals were crying foul against Communist Soviet Union, the same governments were promoting China as a counter force to the Soviets on one side and Taliban and Islamic fanatics in Pakistan on the other side. It is a fact that the entire global south opted to be part of the Non Aligned Movement to save itself from the American bullying and standing with Soviet Russia.

The 1990s were the most crucial phase of world politics. In August 1991 there was a coup against Mikhail Gorbachev, the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Soviet Union. That failed but soon there were revolts in many other republics who ceded from the Soviet Union. The western world rejoiced that their betenoir is now crushed. They started promoting their interest in smaller countries and ignored all these so called independent countries that were part of the former Soviet Union and were nursed by them but the west wanted to make them hostile against Russia. The fact is that the Russian Federation was still worlds' largest country and powerful but everyone enjoyed the 'fall of the Communist Empire. Indian liberals too were happy as they felt the Indian establishment would be tilting more towards the United States and other Western countries. Most of them were speaking about Russia as if there are people dying of hunger and malnutrition. Western commentators rejoice in mocking Russia when speaking about that country but those who have seen Moscow and other places can vouch that a metro in Moscow is far superior to that in New York. Moscow is truly a beautiful city.

Vladimir Putin may be termed as dictator and undemocratic but there is no doubt in saying that he has brought glory to Russia like a phoenix. It is a country full of confidence and prosperity. Russia's actions against Ukraine were based on its national interest and to protect Russian speaking people from what it alleged were the Nazis there. The fact that NATO has been trying to encircle Russia is a well known fact. How can Indians forget that they did the same. Supporting China and then promoting Pakistan's anti India rhetoric was part of that attempt to encircle India too. Today, the west wants us to believe that Russia is a junior partner of China. In their hatred and contempt for Russia they can go to any length even not asking for elections in Ukraine. How is Zelensky being allowed as leader of Ukraine when the man has arrested all the dissenters and political opponents. Russia tried to negotiate and withdrew its forces from Kiev but that was considered a weakness and now it seems NATO is preparing for a final showdown with Russia which will be dangerous and only take us to World War III. The world can't afford it but then you can not bring peace by humiliating Russia which is growing more powerful and has bigger acceptance globally right from Africa to Asia and Latin America.

Unfortunately in India, we all suffer from amnesia of the western media propaganda about the word left and socialism and its relation with Russia. Even when the tide is turning in a different direction in Europe after the recent elections in France. In Britain too left socialist forces will get strengthened in future. In India, we somehow have become victims of the Western Propaganda as far as Russia is concerned. Narendra Modi just finished his trip to Russia. As usual, Russia gave him a huge welcome. Both the countries are playing their politics. Some for their domestic constituency while for Russia it is addressing to the global elite that Russia or Vladimir Putin is not a pariah. Frankly speaking, many of the comments in India about Russia suffer from the hatred towards the left. Some of these experts feel as if Russia is suffering after the Americans and Europeans have put their sanctions on them. Well, these sanctions don't even work for a country like North Korea. Every country has its own strategy and North Korea too may be a matter of joke for us but look at their capital city Pyongyang which is beautiful and only show that we should not make our opinion based on the Western media narrative.

The Western World defines communities, societies and people as per its own conveniences and we have just been following it. Russia has been a global power and the world owes to them to defeat the Nazi forces Hitler during the second world war.
The election of President Putin became a butt of jokes for everyone including political leaders. They forgot that Russia, even when it was the Soviet Union, never had the governance structure as followed by the West. China too had a similar pattern for their governance structure. They have their critique about Western democracy, which is a fast turning right controlled by the big bag corporations. Democracy or no is an internal matter of Russia and they will deal with it but the fact is that Russia is the fastest growing economy and the world bank itself has put it among the High Income Countries.
The fact is that Russia is a powerful country with enormous energy resources. It has no issue about land mass. It knows what is good for us. Most importantly, it has stood with India through thick and thin. India Russia friendship started immediately after our independence. Even during independence, a large number of freedom fighters got support from Russia.
Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru was highly impressed with the Soviet Union and Indira Gandhi gave it a new height. We all know how the Americans and Brits created a hostile environment in 1971 and it was the Soviet Union that came in open support of India during the War with Pakistan and the result was creation of Bangladesh.
What I wish to state here is that the Indo Russia relationship is time tested. Ofcourse, after the 1990s event when many republics broke away from Russia, the Western world and much of India felt that Russia is a gone case but Vladimir Putin has brought it back to new heights. Today, Russia is not isolated but helping create a multipolar world. With Mali-Niger-Burkina Faso throwing the French American forces out of their soil, we are witnessing a new wave of anti colonial movement in Africa and Latin America. One can not ignore how the peoples' résistance in Bolivia foiled a coup attempt by the military there against the President.
People of the global south now realise how in the name of democracy, western world created unrest in various countries and intervened. The issues of India will be resolved by people of India and those trying to find its solution in Brussels or Washington will not succeed as it is the people in our states, in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal, Tamilnadu elsewhere will decide what is good or bad for India. Let us not mock Russia and its support to India which is based on a historic relationship with two people. Don't forget Raj Kapoor's immortal 'mera juta hai jaapani, ye patloon englistani, sar pe laal topi rusi, fir bhi dil hai hindustani' still reverberating in the air in Russia. Awara hoon is one of the most popular songs there. Russian literature has been hugely popular in India. So, this relationship is not merely based on military alliance but also cultural one. Except for the Western dependent Indian urban elite, Russia remain in the heart of rest of working class Indians who enjoyed the pro people policies and programmes of the government.

Countries have the right to decide about their foreign policies. India is as much independent as Russia and both countries today are redefining their relationship. I am sure even if the governments change here and there this relationship will remain the same and grow further. It is similar to the Western World. The first visit of a British Prime Minister, normally, is to visit White House, whether she is a Tory or a Labour. Let India and Russia celebrate their historic relationship which stands on rock solid foundations. Let us not mock it for our petty political considerations.
Celebrate the Indo Russian friendship.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

UK Elections : Democracy turning 'right' in liberal world


Labour as Conservative is the New Ruling Party in UK

Vidya Bhushan Rawat


The smooth and quick transfer of power in UK speak volume on the great democratic tradition in that country. Election results came out during the day and by the afternoon outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak went to Buckingham Palace to tender his resignation. By the time, he stepped out, Labour leader Keir Starmer was appointed the Prime Minister by the King and within minutes he addresses the nation at the historic entrance of No 10-downing street. The Prime minister paid tribute to his predecessor Rishi Sunak and acknowledged his contribution to Britain. With-in hours, the Prime Minister announced his cabinet and the transfer of power was completed without any pomp and show. Britain, that way, is a great example unlike United States where the new President takes oath nearly two months after the results are out in November in a great pomp and show though both the forms of governments are based on majoritarianism and revolve around the white power elite of these countries.  

The outcome of result might sound music to many who might dance on hearing the word ‘labour’ as in most of the world, the term is almost deleted in the ‘vocabulary’ of political discourse. In the United States, there is no Labour. There is the fight between two parties of white ruling elite dominated by the corporate interest with little interest for the common person. Now, Labour party returned to power after 14 years and with massive majority but are the Conservatives decimated in UK?  Has the Labour anything to do with the left politics? What brought Labour to power in UK?

The fact is that the historical route of Conservative Party does not indicate the growth of ‘left wing’ political forces in Britain. The fact is this landslide to Labour party is more to do with the faulty electoral system that UK has been following termed as First Past the Post System which result in huge gap between the vote share and the number of seat got. FPTP can be useful if there are only two to three parties as well as a high voter turnout. In the absence of it, the mandate can always be haunting though at the end of the day, it does not matter, how much is the vote share, it is the number of seats that matter.

Turning 'Right'

The fact of the matter is that out of 650 seats, Labour Party has won 412 seats which is almost 65% of seats though the vote share was merely 34%. Its rival Conservative Party with 24% vote share acquired 121 seats. Liberals got 71 seats with 12% votes. Another right wing under the name Reformist Party, though, only got 4 seats but with 14% vote share. Led by Nigel Farage, Reformists are being blamed for the route of the Tory government. Conservative, Liberals and Reformists mostly hail from the same variety of political ideology of right wing. Their combine vote share is much powerful than that of Labour. The left leaning groups are mostly independent and Green Party.  Interestingly, Labour could only increase its vote share of about 2% from 2019 when it fought under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn who contested as an independent candidate and won from Islington North constituency by over 7,000 votes defeating the nearest Labour Party rival. Corbyn has been representing this constituency since 1983 and has won for a record 11 times.

Many people might be happy to see return of a ‘Labour’ government after one and a half decade but is it really so. Leave aside the ‘vote share and seat got’ issue, the fact is most of the western electoral system particularly influence by British and American models are already captured by the right-wing capitalist forces. The quality of the ‘western democratic model’ is in its propaganda and comparison with the Russian and Chinese system despite the fact that both the countries are today a power house and rising high economically. Look at the rise of other powerful groups in UK like Liberal Democrats and Reformists both ideologically close to Conservatives but is ‘Labour’ truly dedicated to left or the working classes. The problem with the ‘liberal democracies’ in the world is their hypocrisy on human rights issues. If Labour Party was truly dedicated to the idea as its name suggest then how come powerful leaders like Jeremy Corbyn thrown away from the party. Is it because he was considered more radical and a threat to the Empire and its elite. How is the current leadership of Labour different than the Conservative. The brazen shamelessness of Kier Stramer in refusing to condemn the Israeli brutalities and assault on Gaza shocked all those who filled the Streets of United Kingdom demanding a complete ceasefire in Gaza. It was Kier responsible for humiliating and ousting Jeremy Corbyn and other left leaning leaders from Labour Party. Most of these leaders fought independently won with a handsome margin and defeated their nearest Labour rivals. The poll result suggest that British electorate are swinging between different conservative forces and Labour got acceptability because it threw away radical left forces led by Jeremy Corbyn. So essentially, British political system is highly dominated and controlled by the Conservatives who may not be Conservative Party but also Labour, Liberal and Reformists.

The Crisis of Electoral System

The British model of electoral system or simply FPTP is not reflective of the real verdict of the people. It is basically manipulative of the power elite and therefore most of the time legitimize a ‘minority’ government as ‘majority. All the colonies of the ‘Empire’ has this system which is used by the power elite of those countries using or misusing the contradiction among different groups. The difference between vote share and seat won is too high. The Labour got nearly 34% of total vote polled out of 60% votes that were polled during these elections. Which simply mean 40% people did not vote during the election. Now, in terms of seat, the party got 412 seats out of 650 which is nearly 64%. Under the Proportional Electorate System, Labour with 34% vote share would have just got 221 seats much below the majority mark. Conservatives with 21% vote share would have got 156 instead of 121 which they have at the moment. Liberal with 12% vote share got 71 seats while Reformists with 14% vote share got just 4 seats. Under the Proportionate system, Liberals could have got 78 and Reformists 91. Even a 4 seat Green Party with 7% vote would have got nearly 46 seats.

How credible is the electoral system where party getting 34% votes which also mean 66% votes that were polled did vote against you. Interestingly, a party with 14% vote share get just 4seat while that with 12% vote share 71 seats. Now, how can such a system be justified as ‘democratic’. We all have the same crisis and the result is that the ruling parties and government actually rarely listen to people’s’ voices. The amount of massive street protests that London witnessed in support of Palestine was always looked down upon by the power elite and the media. The governments these days speak through the power elite and opposition leader spoke the language of the prime minister when he openly supported the previous government’s stand on Palestine.


No change in Foreign Policy

Actually, western democracies are liberal to the large extent related to individual freedom, right to faith, criticism of the government and allowing protests in the streets but at the same point of time we need to understand why a leader like Jeremy Corbyn was ousted from Labour ? Why he has been a persona non grata for the ‘liberal’ circles. A similar thing happened in United States where Bernie Sanders is despised by the ruling elite. The liberal democracies can’t accept Julian Assange and felt him the biggest threat. It needs to be understood why these democracies do not listen to the voices of protests in the streets.

Broadly, the western democracy will remain pro capitalist and market driven and nothing much is expected to change on the foreign policy matters though the new Prime Minister as already rescinded the Rwanda policy for refugees which is a great step in right direction. The Tory government wanted to privatise the prestigious National Health Services but could not do so. The railway network is already in distress. Will the new government take initiatives to strengthen these services or will it be the same government that was headed by Tony Blair ? 

The issue of minorities and immigrants are extremely important and resulted in victory of four independent candidates who defeated Labour candidates. The party has to see whether it will follow the ‘right tilt of Tony Blair or really work differently particularly on the issue of Palestine. It needs to understand that the combine vote share of the right-wing parties is much higher than it and if it ignore wider concern of minorities and immigrants then it might loses the support of progressive forces as well as ethnic minorities then Britain might see rise of radical left forces in the coming years. Unlike the United States, Britain still has got space for minorities and immigrants in the political structure. Will Jeremy Corbyn and other leaders emerge more powerful in the coming years or the pressure of capitalist forces including a hostile media make them politically insignificant? 

Lesson for India

A democracy is successful when its institutions are robust. Britain has a powerful legacy in that regard. The election process is extremely simple and voting opens at 7 am and continue till 10 pm. The parliament still is responsible and debates there are worth watching. Prime Minister’s Question hour with leader of opposition is extremely fascinating but then we cant have that in India.

The New Parliament has 23 Muslim members (A big country like India has just 24) and over 60% of the members belong to ethnic minorities reflecting Britain’s diversity. One thing need to be clarified. A criticism of the British system does not mean we are better than them. They have a robust system and more over basic curtsies among the political class there remain far superior than us. The swiftness with which the new government took charge with in a day remain remarkable. Everything was done without any chest thumping or ‘victory’ speeches. It is also important to understand the difference of ‘right wing’ or Conservatives in Britain, Europe and India. The Conservatives or Right Wing there are mostly against immigration policies of the government but none of them have ventured inside the personal lives of people. Right wing in India and its neighbors are basically religious fanatics who have issues with your personal choices whether food, faith or marriage. There are no hate speeches and diversity of representation is always a plus point for political parties.

Britain’s elections have big lessons for us and our political class. That elections in vibrant democracies today is on ballot paper and not through EVMs is a reality. Secondly, we did not hear any complaints of electoral malfunctioning or fraud. The counting and declaration process was simple and Prepoll surveys or Exit polls were not hyped. The prime minister did not take time in vacating his official bungalow and gone to submit his resignation to the King when results were just coming in and he conceded his defeat gracefully. The transfer of power was so swift and meticulous that there was no time for any confusion and uncertainty.  Yes, electoral system has issues of representation\ and vibrant democracies find their own solution. Britain will certainly have to look into it as this might become a major issue in the coming days.

Let us hope new government will fulfill the aspirations of the people but expecting a different perspective on Ukraine and Israel will be next to impossible as foreign policy matters in these countries are mostly static and fixed with United States. A change in its Ukraine or Palestine policy will need Jeremy Corbyn at the helm of affair which does not seem a possibility in the near future.












Friday, July 05, 2024

Ganga : From Rishikesh in Uttarakhand to Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh


An impending cultural and agrarian crisis in Uttar Pradesh

A Journey of  Ganga from Hardwar to Varanasi

Vidya Bhushan Rawat


Hardwar to Garhmukteshwar


After the Himalayas, Ganga descend to Rishikesh followed by Hardwar which is an extremely important pilgrim town of Uttarakhand state. It is called city of Lord Shiva and host Kumbha fair once in 12 years in which millions of devotees participate and take a holy dip into the river. The Ghats are ‘Har ki Pairi look stunning and magnificent.  About twenty kilometres from this place, Ganga, at the place called Balawali, enters Uttar Pradesh.

                                           Har kee pairi, Haridwar

First railway bridge on Ganga was built here by the British. The 961 meter long bridge was constructed in 1888 at the cost of Rs 27 lakh 94 thousand rupees[1] linking Laksar to Najibabad, a railway junction in district Bijnaur.  Balawali  is a small village near Laksar town of Hardwar district. The crisis of Ganga start from Hardwar itself where water is diverted to Upper and Lower Ganga canal through Bhimgoda Barrage. The original river which move ahead has lesser water than these canals. The diversion of water to ‘ Har ki Pairi’ ensure heavy flow to respect the religious sentiments of the people. The barrage was originally conceived by the British for the purpose of irrigation through Upper Ganga Canal as well as to control flooding, between 1840-1854 but finally completed in 1983.


                                          Railway bridge linking Laksar to Najibabad at Balawali, Bijnor district

                                     Ganga at Garhmukteshwar, Hapur

Though Hardwar is part of Uttarakhand state, it is also the ‘door’ of Ganga for the plains of Northern as well as Eastern India. The original river with much reduced water is a pale shadow of the powerful river we see either in Rishikesh or at Har ki Pairi. Rishikesh has become favourite destination for the rafters but the dark fact is water in Ganga is not natural and solely depend on the Tehri dam. At the Lakshman Jhula, the famous suspension bridge is closed as it is undergoing through maintenance work. Once you go to river bank, you find the sudden disappearance of sandy beach which was the hallmark of beautiful banks of river Ganga. Instead, you find Himalayan concrete, stones and big boulders. And the similar situation remain till Ganga crosses the famous Chandighat bridge linking Hardwar with Najibabad by road link. It is also the beginning of the Gangetic plains which used to be extremely fertile once upon a time but today we see vast fertile land turning into desert. At about 45 kilometers from Najibabad town is the famous barrage on Ganga in the Bijnor district.

‘Water quality in mountainous stretch Ganga is very good, with high DO levels Avg. 8.170.4, low EC, TDS and TOC, indicating no significant contamination pollution. When Ganga enters in Uttar Pradesh the first station is Bijnor before this many small rivers and the sub-basins are merge in Ganga. The STPs reduce 61–93 % organic loadings and half of trace contaminants present in the sewage (CPCB-2009). Domestic sewage is the major contributor of pollution in this stretch. The water quality in the stretch is affected from the Rishikesh (Uttarakhand) by domestic, industrial organic and inorganic west and agricultural runoff.’’[2] The same paper actually suggest that water get cleaned due to floods in monsoon.

The bridge on barrage on Ganga near Mirapur-Bijnor eased the journey from Najibabad to Delhi particularly for those who were coming from Uttarakhand’s Garhwal region came into operation in 1984. Bijnor see numerous rivers flowing such as Ramganga, Kho and others. There is a big dam on Ramganga river at a place called Kalagarh but a dark reality is that various dams and barrages are just killing the soul of river Ganga. Unfortunately, the growing ‘artificiality’ of controlling water on various rivers reflect an increasing pattern of addressing the religious ‘sentiments’ and encouraging ‘’tourism’ around these places hence flow of water depend on whether there is some specific period or not. The bridge over barrage basically is the border line between Bijnor and Mujjaffarnaar district. There are plans so start boating and other water sports here in the barrage but the water level in the river reduces drastically. The only time the Ganga look as a river is in monsoon when these barrages are unable to keep the water and the powerful water change its embankment and bring huge amount of sediments. Interestingly, the Gangetic embankment in Hardwar and Rishikesh are full of stones and sediment everywhere as the size of the river reduces drastically. One of the locals explained it to me in Kanpur recently during my Ganga yatra that when the river has enough water it moves fast on its direction but as the water level reduces the size of the river grows extraordinarily. During the monsoon, water enter into the lower areas flooding everywhere and when the monsoon is over and water recedes it create numerous islands, splitting the river most of the time and changing embankment.

A travel from Bijnor to Balawali and Laksar shows how the entire Ganga belt is suffering in extreme heat with polluted air filled with dust and other particles. From Bijnor, the next important places on the bank of the river is Garhmukteshwar which is part of Hapur district. Garh, as it is popularly known as,  is hugely popular pilgrim centre after Hardwar and thousands of people come here to take a dip in the river Ganga on Ganga Dushara day. There is a huge railway bridge over the river apart from the National Highway 8 linking Delhi to Lucknow via Moradabad, Bareilly and Sitapur. There is a temple on the bank of Ganga and bathing ghats. Hundreds of boats waiting for customers. The water level has reduced drastically, says a boatman. Sir, we have lesser customer these days. A boat ride gives us the idea of the crisis as we pass underneath the highway bridge and then move to the other side where pilgrims comes for performing shraddha and other rituals unmindful of the crisis the river is facing.

Garh falls under Hastinapur sanctuary spread over five districts of Bijnor, Mujaffarnagar, Meerut, Hapur and Amroha. 2073 square kilometre sanctuary is now reduced to 1095 square kilometer as vast land was needed for railways and national highway projects.[3]

Ramganga-Ganga Sangam Hardoi

The next big place where Ganga is strengthened by various tributaries is district Hardoi where Ramganga flows into it in  a place called Teraghat or Terapursoli near Sandi Shahbajpur in Tehsil Devkali. A visit to the sangam was extremely difficult. A three hours drive from Kanpur to Kannauj and then nearly five kilometres from the Bridge over Ganga that serves as boundary between Hardoi and Kannauj. The irony is that there is not much understanding about Sangam and the possible reason for the same seems to be the changing embankment of Ganga particularly during the monsoon floods. Thousands of hectares of land get inundated as the flooded rivers explore new areas brining enormous sediments and therefore creating a huge agrarian crisis. Desertification of the fertile land is the biggest challenge but seems to be ignored by the policy planners. At the point zero there is a debate among two fisherfolks whether this is Sangam or not because all the rivers are split and their various streams meets at different points but from here till the big bridge, various small rivers to get discharged at the Ganga.

At the confluence area, I see an ‘island’ working as divider between Ganga and Ramganga with a small stream from Ganga passing into Ramganga while the main river moving further to meet again a few hundred meters away. Ramganga looks shockingly short of water which is around your knee. Initially, I thought of asking for a boat who could take us across the river but a local farmer who had just joined in, assures me that we could just cross over the river without any problem. I was still hesitant but with the help of this farmer I crossed over to see the confluence. A local person said this was the first confluence followed by second a few hundred meters away when the entire Ramganga flows into it.

                                           Ramganga-Ganga confluence at Hardoi

                                           Ramganga at Hardoi

                                     Growing desertification : Ganga-Ramganga confluence Hardoi

As I walk back to cross the river, a herd of buffaloes walk through the river. It is scorching heat and temperature above 40 degree Celsius, the river provide shelter to these innocent cattle. The entire fertile land has become desert and the villagers are bringing their cattle for grazing though there is not much grass and the animals are just moving around and cooling in the river.  A couple of farmers are sitting and watching their cattle. One of the young farmers accompanying me here informs me that ‘ab kheti khatm kewal reti hai’ i.e. There is no agriculture now. It is just sand mining and it reflect the growing reality of how farmers and fisherfolks are now depending more and more on sand mining.        In the scorching heat, you wont even get a glass of water but thankfully the farmer got me a’tarbuz’ i.e. watermelon and a musk melon from his land nearby.

‘Desertification of arable land is the biggest challenge that Gangetic plains are witnessing. ‘As per the Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India, prepared by the Space Applications Centre for the period 2011-2013, 96.4 million hectares i.e. 29.32% of the Total Geographical Area of the country is undergoing the process of desertification/land degradation. Approximately 6.35% of land in Uttar Pradesh is undergoing desertification/degradation.’[4]

Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Khir, Sitapur, Bahraich, Barabanki, Ayodhya, Gonda, Basti, Azamgarh, Deoria, Balia, Gorakhpur districts face huge crisis of desertification. Every year, these districts suffer a lot because of huge flood in various rivers including Ganga, Ghaghara, Sarda, Rapti rivers which bring enormous silt and change their embankment.

Around seven small rivers including Ramganga merge into Ganga at Hardoi-Kannoj border but a look from the motor bridge show the water level is reduced and river split at different places with increasing sand beds on both the sides. Many tiny islands’ have been created due to this. Kannauj is around 10 kilometer from this bridge, a historical city of Harshvardhana period and later Jaichand was the most outstanding ruler of Kannauj but distortion of history ensured that the legacies of the great king are erased forgotten by the locals though when I asked a farmer on the Sangam area, who happened to be a Rajput, informed me that his community never considered kin Jaichand a villain and they remember him with great respect. Unfortunately, there are no signs of any memorial or historical places in his memory or that of Harshvardhana. There are however several Dargahs and mosques of 13th-14th centuries, during the period of Shahjahan.


The crisis at Kanpur

Kanpur Kannauj National Highway has reduced the time distance and linked these cities closely. At about 70 kilometers distance is a pilgrim town Bithoor. It is also a historical town related to 1857 war of independence. A memorial has been built here as a homage to Nana Saheb Peshwa s/o Bajirao Peshwa II, who made this place is headquarter. There are numerous ancient temples and ashrams here. For people of Kanpur, Bithoor is becoming a tourist spot and the reason for this is beautiful location on the right side of Ganga which look stunningly beautiful here. Unlike Kanpur, the Ganges look a complete river here and people come here for boating. The ghats too are relatively clean here. The reason for the water level better here is the barrage which is built on Ganga and control water for Kanpur city is just five kilometer from here. Immediately after the barrage, Atal Ghat is now the most sought after ‘picnic’ space at the Kanpur city. The project was developed under the Namami Gange schemes of the government of India and is relatively clean. Slogans are written on the board like ‘don’t throw garbage in Ganga’ or Watching Ganga itself is like bathing in it. The Ganga view here is beautiful and cross the river is Unnao district. Actually, Ganga forms the boundary between Kanpur and Unnao districts. About 50 meters adjacent to Attal Park is the infamous Permiya Nullah (Permiya drainage) flowing into the Ganga which is shocking as this ghat is developed beautifully and lots of slogans related to Gana cleanliness are written all over. Namami Gange project was publicised highly yet the Ganga water remain not only unfit for drinking but even for bathing. Water is contaminated and even the Central Pollution Control Board, Kanpur could not find fish in the river. Ganga water has dried up and frankly it is the sewage water which is flowing uncontrolled in the river. There are several important ghats and ‘drainage’ that flows into Ganga. Ranighat nullah, Seesamau Nullah near Bhaironghat, Guptarghat Nullah near Bhagwat Ghat. Most of these ghats are basically cremation ghats where all the filth, garbage is thrown in the river Ganga.

                                            Ganga at Bithoor

At Bhaironghat, I walked into the crematorium and then at the Ganges where river bank is simply flooded with thrown away items, flowers and other items for performing rituals. The water is definitely not worth touching but ‘holy’ ‘devotees’ still go and sprinkle the water over them. A couple of Boats used by the local fishing communities can be seen in the river. ‘Namami Gange’ is ‘loudly’ written all around. Just below it a huge cemented structure is visible which look like a gigantic river conflating with Ganga. It is Seesamau Nullah which was draining into the holy river. Sadly, a few years back, the story of this Nullah being closed and Ganga water being pollution free in Kanpur, was celebrated in various channel. ‘Now, it is reported that between May 25th till May 30th, about  40 crore liters of untreated sewage discharged into Gana at Seesamau drainage alone. A report in Hindi daily Hindustan informs that the Jal Nigam in Kanpur has imposed a fine of Rs 17 crore on Kanpur River Management Ltd. for its failure to control sewage drainage flowing into river Ganga. An FIR has also been registered against the company in the Gwal Toli police station.’[5] It is sad that the crisis in the Ganges is aggravating despite spending crores of rupees in the name of ‘Save Ganga’ or ‘Clean Ganga’ operations,

                                           Drainage flowing into Ganga near Atal Ghat, Kanpur

                                           Ganga passing through Kanpur

Kanpur is the biggest city of Uttar Pradesh and is home to over ‘402 listed tanneries though only 215 small and big are operational now.’[6] Unfortunately, the leather industry has lost in Kanpur not because of the ‘stringent’ environmental laws but ‘unavailability’ of raw material due to strict anti-cow slaughter laws. The sad part is that Kanpur’s industrial losses have not really helped resolve the crisis that Ganga is facing in the city.

The Ganga look dried as big islands are created and river split at many places with absolutely dirty embankment where not merely sewage drainage are discharging but other filthy stuff, rotten flowers and other items meant for performing various rituals. The historic railway bridge on Ganges between Kanpur and Unnao on Delhi-Kanpur-Lucknow line actually started on July 15th,1875. The drains and sewage system continue to pollute the holy river. Many  reports and studies have red flagged the contamination of the Ganga water.

‘’The investigation conducted by the CPCB, led by Ajit Vidyarthi, Director and Department Head of Water Quality Management, spanned over three sampling dates - July 10, July 24, and August 22. The report reveals that a significant portion of the Ganga, stretching from Bithoor to Fatehpur in Kanpur, is now severely polluted, raising grave concerns among the residents and environmentalists.’’

Ganga and Yamuna at Fatehpur

[7]Interestingly, the river Ganga move towards Fatehpur, a very historic town represented by former prime minister V P Singh in 1989. A rural dominated constituency, Fatehpur has the distinction of both Ganga and Yamuna passing through it apart from Prayagraj where both the rivers reach and conflate after leaving Fatehpur. Other interesting point is that Ganga forms boundary of Unnao and Fatehpur too.

Bhitaura is located at about 15 kilometers from Fatehpur where river Ganga pass through. Across the river is district Unnao and Raibareilley is a few kilometers away on the same route. Bhitaura is mythologically an important place and number of pilgrims come here to take a dip in the river. Bhitaura is related to sage Bhrigu and a few ancient temples and ashrams are located nearby. At the Om ghat a number of pilgrims and tourists visit here and take a dip in the river. This area is also considered to be home of Dolphins too.  Forest department has taken up the initiative in this regard to promote eco-tourism though we could not site any dolphin when visited the place. However, till a years ago siting Dolphin was a frequent thing which even researchers admitted.

‘Nearly 35 km of stretch from Bhitora in Fatehpur has emerged as the region's most congenial habitat for endangered Gangetic dolphins. The first ever headcount operation through sonar monitoring systems and camera-fitted balloons of the aquatic animals conducted recently, has come out with sighting of 19 dolphins.[8]


Though the Ganga ghats were relatively clean in Fatehpur, the district real crisis is with river Yamuna which suffer from heavy sand mining at the Chilla border which link Fatehpur to Banda. The roads are bumpy and risky due to heavy trucks carrying sand from the river bed. The air is polluted with sand particles being part of it.


The mega sangam at Prayagraj


Ganga looks enchanting when it has water and evening sun set time provide you stunning view of the river. It now move towards Prayagraj for the mega confluence with Yamuna at the historic ‘Sangam’ which is called ‘Triveni’ as apart from Ganga and Yamuna, the mythological legend is that river Saraswati too merge here. Thousands of devotees from different parts of the country visit this place, perform various religious rituals and take a dip at Triveni. Prayagraj, popularly known as Allahabad host Kumbha fair every 12 year. Allahabad was one of the most important center of India’s freedom movement and was the political constituency of our first prime minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and later Mr V P Singh. Allahabad’s famous fort built by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1583 at the Sangam by the side of Yamuna.

                                         Manda Fort of former PM V P Singh

A painting at Valmiki Ashram, Sitamarhi, Bhadohi

                                    Ganga moving towards Vindhyanchal

While the faith in religious rituals has grown tremendously but the consciousness regarding protecting our rivers and environment is still revolved around empty slogans. It is good to see urban landscape is being planned in the form of parks and green corridors at many places yet focus on too much of ‘cemented and concrete structure need to be discouraged and environment friendly traditional methods need to be promoted. The water level in the city is reducing dangerously.

A state government report states that water consumption in urban and rural sectors is about 1.4 million acre feet (maf) and 2.1 (maf) respectively. The projected requirements are about 2.6 maf and 3.7 maf for the urban and rural population. The ground water level is receding. Jal Sansthan is supplying 210 million litre per day (mld), while there is a requirement of 300 mld water. The first strata of underground water level has almost disappeared, while the second layer which controls the ground is being bored for installation of hand pumps. Around 50 multi-stories buildings and complexes have been constructed in the heart of the city in the past five years. But no buildings have provisions of recharging the ground water.’[9] Nearly, twenty year after this, we are still struggling for safe drinking water in the holy river though the Uttar Pradesh pollution Control Board report in Jaunary 2023 suggest that ‘water at Sangam is not worth drinking yet it is absolutely fit for bath’[10].

The fact is that if you roam around Sangam area during winter, a lawyer of white fog covers the entire area which has become heavily polluted due to various reasons including  sand on the river bed as well as heavy vehicular pollution. The surroundings of Sangam area have spread due to monsoon floods but it has now become a huge ‘maidan’ for organizing the Kumbha fair. Unfortunately, the focus is more on organizing religious events and not really to ensure that the river is free from contamination.

One of the major reasons for Sangam water better than Kanpur is water that Yamuna river carry along with it. As we have seen Yamuna from Delhi till Etawah in Uttar Pradesh after passing through twin cities of Mathura and Agra, remain highly polluted river because of continuous discharge of untreated sewage and Industrial wastes into it. At Etawah, Yamuna meet Chambal river which is perhaps two time bigger than it and a beautiful river cleans Yamuna water. Two more rivers Ken and Betwa at Hamirpur and Banda further enhance the water quality as well as quantity at the Yamuna. By the time, Yamuna reach Prayagraj, it is much bigger and unpolluted than Ganga. Yamuna’s journey ends at Prayag but it gives Ganga, the water to maintain her aura and spirituality.


Towards Varanasi


The onward journey of Ganga after Yamuna merge into it is equally fascinating. It is basically a journey where spiritual pilgrims can satisfy themselves. At about 50 kilometers is Sita Samahita Sthal on the bank of Ganges and the legend is that Mother Sita gave birth to her two sons Lav and Kush at the Maharshi Valmiki Ashram. There is a temple devoted to Lord Shiva here. Ganga is cool and calm here. About 20 kilometers from here is the famous Manda Fort, home of former Prime Minister VP Singh who belonged to Gaharwar Rajput clan. At nearly 30 kilometers away is Vindhyachal in district Mirzapur. Thousands of devotees visit Vindhyachal to seek blessings from Maa Vindhyavasini, one of the Shaktipeeth’s in India. There are several important religious places here and Ganga water is relatively clean.

Another important place on the bank of Ganga is the historic fort at Chunar which provide a stunning view of the holy river. The river then moves further and look beautiful in moonlight at many locations. Varanasi is an ancient city and millions of pilgrims and tourists visit here every year to visit numerous temples including Kashi Viswanath as well as watch the arti at the Ganges. Two rivers Varuna and Assi dries into Ganga in Varanasi. Though the water at Varanasi is still contaminated and not worth drinking, it is fact that it magnifies the spiritual beauty of Kashi. A walk on the Ghats in the morning is a treat if one is able to be there before the sun rise. On any sunny day, the atmosphere around these ghats satisfy our mental wellness. There are lots of cultural activities around it. The sadhus, spiritualists, musicians, devotees, all throng the ghats in the morning. Faith is much more powerful than reasoning and hence people are not only ready to take a dip but also sip a few drips.


The Maha Arati at the night remain a powerful instrument where people link themselves with the Lord of the Lords, Lord Shiva. Varanasi is the city of Lord Shiva and hence a trip around various ghats give you different notions about life and death. It is an amazing feeling once you are witnessing the entire process particularly when you pass through the Harishchandra Ghat and Dashashmegh ghat where funeral pyres burnt all through day and night. A few moments near it and one can understand the whole process of life, death and meaning of life.


Chunar Fort 

                                                                Historic stupa at Sarnath


While the ghats are lively in Varanasi yet the water is reduced and the quality remain questionable. A study conducted by


‘The findings of the present study revealed that the concentration of physicochemical parameters in the water of the River Ganga was higher downstream than it was upstream, indicating that River Ganga at Varanasi is negatively impacted by activities such as discharge of domestic sewage, open drain, and agricultural and industrial effluents because of extensive urbanization. The water quality of Ganga was degraded to the level that it was unsafe for bathing. [11]The Ganga River in Varanasi is severely polluted because of the discharge of polluted water through various sources, resulting in poor water quality that is unsuitable for human consumption, including drinking and bathing at most of the ghats’.

The boatman who took me to various ghats was never amused by my points of pollution in the river. ‘Ganga maiya ka paani kabhi kharab nahi hota’, and he just put one hand into the river and took the water chanting  ‘Ganga maiyaa ki jai’.

Varanasi has been an abode of diverse ideologies living together. It is considered to be city of Lord Shiva. The Brahmanical rituals and value system flourished here. Various saints came here to liberate themselves. Interestingly, Saint Raidas who challenged superstition and caste-based hierarchy, was born in Kashi. Raidas spoke of Begumpura, a truly socialist society based on equality of human being. ‘man changa to kathauti me Ganga’ which roughly translate as if your heart is clean and good then you can see Ganga in a bucket.’ Another legend from Kashi is Saint Kabir who challenged the superstition and culture of caste system. When people would come to Varanasi at the fag end of their lives, Kabir actually broke that myth and went to Magahar where dying was considered a sin. Varanasi is also known to the world over for its great Buddhist heritage. ‘Sarnath is revered as the place where the Buddha delivered his first sermon, known as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, after attaining enlightenment. It's one of the four most sacred Buddhist pilgrimage sites in the world.’[12] Thousands of Buddhists as well as those who are influenced by the Buddhist philosophy, travel to Sarnath to see the beautiful stupa and historical site.

About 30 kilometer away from Varanasi city towards Ghazipur, river Gomti merges into Ganga at a village named Kaithi where an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, known as Markandeya Mahadev Mandir is situated on the confluence of these holy rivers. It’s a beautiful site and hundreds of birds can be seen here particularly during the winters. This place has also become a tourist hub for Dolphin watchers.  “As per a survey by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII), there were 21 dolphins in Ganga stretch of Varanasi. Now, as per an assessment, dolphins have increased at the Ganga-Gomti confluence point and there should be 35 to 39 dolphins here at present.”[13]

                                            Gomti-Ganga confluence, Kaithi, Varanasi

Gomti-Ganga Confluence


                                            Ganga Arti, Varanasi


Ganga continues to move ahead embracing all the smaller or bigger rivers in it and giving people life. After Varanasi, Ganga passes through Ghazipur and Balia district of Uttar Pradesh and make its entry in Bihar through district Buxar.



Lord Cornwallis Tomb, Ghazipur

Ravidas Mandir, Varanasi

                                      Varuna-Ganga confluence in Varanasi.
















[2] Hydrobiological characteristics of Ganga  River at Barrage Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, India Gajendra Kumar1, Shoma Devi2 and Sunil Kumar3,* 1Department of Chemistry, FoE, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh), India 2Department of Zoology, Krishna College of Science and IT, Bijnor (Uttar Pradesh), India 3Department of Zoology, DAV (P.G.) College, Dehradun (Uttarakhand), India

[3] Hindustan : Garhmukteswar me National Highway 9, Railwaymarg sanctuary kshetr se bahar, May 27th, 2024,

[4] Conversion of Barren Land into Arable Land, Press Information Bureau, March 20th, 2020,Pradesh%20is%20undergoing%20desertification%2Fdegradation.

[5] An investigative report published in Hindi daily ‘Hindustan’ on May 31st, 2024 under title ‘, 17 crore jurmane ke baad bhi gir rahaa seesamau nala (Even after imposition of 17 crore rupees penalty, the seesamau sewage continue to drain in the river Ganga’.

[6] Death of an Industry : Why are tanners looking byond Kanpur, by Haider Naqvi, The Hindustan Ttimes July 18,2023,

[7] Kanpur: Ganga river faces severe contamination, The Millennium Post, November 1, 2023


[8]  Census sights 19 dolphins on Ganga Stretch in Fatehpur,  by Faiz Siddiqui, Times of India, December 14th, 2016,with%20sighting%20of%2019%20dolphins.

[9] Allahabad : Shortage at Sangam , a report by PTI  and  HT, June 24, 2003, The Hindustan Times

[10] Ganga water fit for bathing only in Prayagraj : UPPCB, Times of India, March 15th, 2023

[11] Assessing the water quality of River Ganga in Varanasi, India, through WQI, NPI, and multivariate techniques: a comprehensive study by Gurudutta Singh, Supriya Chaudhary, Deepak Gupta, Virendra Mishra, Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University.



[13] Dolphins thrive at Ganga Gomti confluence in Varanasi, The Hindustan Times, January 18, 2022